
For many Christians, the subject of the temple can seem mysterious and complex. For some, it is of little relevance to Christians. Yet it is a central theme of the Old Testament and the central meeting place for Israelites. It was where they offered sacrifices, sought cleansing, celebrated important festivals, made their petitions and met with God. It was in every way the center of Jewish life. It’s destruction deeply changed Judaism as lawful requirements for sacrifice could no longer be made. As the temple was God’s “house”, the place of His Presence, destruction left Israel without God’s oversight and power. Yet Ezekiel prophesied a new temple as part of Israel’s return to the land. It means that the temple carries not simply historical but prophetic importance, making its study crucial.

The temple is not only central to Old Testament authors, but is spoken of widely in various New Testament texts. Such frequent references make a comprehensive study implausible. However, these posts are intended to provide an introduction into some important concepts associated with the temple and tabernacle. Top on our list will be the presentation of the temple as a model of creation, critical to understanding why the Jewish people associated the destruction of the temple with the end of the world. This understanding is helpful in decoding end-time prophecy. We will conclude with a discussion of the thoughts of New Testament authors and the transformation evident in their writings. Included will be ethical lessons to assist modern Christians in applying temple concepts and temple thinking to their daily walk with Christ.

The temple can seem quite foreign to contemporary Christians. Its complexity will require patience in study. However, the author has found these studies transformative and extremely beneficial. It is hoped that readers will reap similar rewards.

This series contains seven teachings. Included are:

  1. An Introduction to Temple Studies
  2. Ancient Near Eastern Temples as a Model of Creation
  3. Israel’s Tabernacle & Temples as Models of Creation
  4. Israel’s Temple History & its Significance to New Testament
  5. The Church as the Temple in the New Testament
  6. The Transformation of God’s Temple in Revelation
  7. Things “Made with Human Hands” & its Relation to the Temple
  8. The Meaning of Christ’s Prophecy “Not One Stone left on Another
  9. Some Concluding Thoughts on the Significance of Our Temple Studies

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