Welcome to Redemptivebiblestudies.com

Where Ethics and Eschatology Meet

Our purpose is to present ethical and eschatological biblical studies relevant to contemporary believers

Focused upon the Bible’s redemptive message, our hope is to bring excitement to the study of little known subjects of great biblical importance.

Our studies will bring both ethical and eschatological insights to passages rarely viewed from either perspective.

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About the Author

The author is an ordinary Christian with a passionate interest in Bible  study, notably in subjects many Christians find challenging. Our hope is to provide deeper insights for those with similar biblical interests.

Subjects of interest include creation, tabernacle/temple,  Abraham, Israel and eschatology 

Biblical themes we have found particularly helpful to biblical understanding include creation, Eden, exile and exodus, Abraham and Israel.

Our purpose is present  these redemptive themes with practical teachings that include both ethical and eschatological perspectives.  In detailing these themes, we hope to share some helpful insights we’ve gained from our studies.

We will also periodically “sprinkle in” posts of contemporary interest, grounded in aforementioned thematic studies to assure biblically sound counsel.

Finally, we will endeavor to include footnotes with reference materials for those desiring additional study sources.